Generate an image of a black American maintainer or handyman, dressed in casual work clothes with a tool belt around their waist. They could be holding a wrench, hammer, or a toolbox, with a friendly and approachable expression. The background could hint at an ongoing maintenance task or a well-maintained property, portraying them as reliable and ready to assist.

Generate an image of a black American maintainer or handyman, dressed in casual work clothes with a tool belt around their waist. They could be holding a wrench, hammer, or a toolbox, with a friendly and approachable expression. The background could hint at an ongoing maintenance task or a well-maintained property, portraying them as reliable and ready to assist. FLUX Hunt Ai

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Generate an image of a black American maintainer or handyman, dressed in casual work clothes with a tool belt around their waist. They could be holding a wrench, hammer, or a toolbox, with a friendly and approachable expression. The background could hint at an ongoing maintenance task or a well-maintained property, portraying them as reliable and ready to assist.
模型: FLUX schnell
比例: 1:1

由FLUX Hunt AI生成的图像 FLUX Hunt Ai生成器